presence is space
Presence: A coaching and leadership capacity that we talk about. But what does it even mean? Is it possible to be more present? Less? Is presence something we can get better at? I don’t think so. I don’t think that presence is something we have or can practice. It’s what we are. It’s what all of us are. It’s being. Our being. Being.
Stillness amid all that moves and changes.
Presence, I am slowly realizing, is what remains when I drop story, labeling, naming, qualification, interpretation, separation, status. Presence is who I am stripped of all that I believe myself to be, believe you to be, believe the world to be. It requires nothing. Gives everything. It meets what is in love.
The other day I listened to Nic Askew. Check out his haunting soul biography videos. He said a wonderful thing about space. As if holding space is another thing we as coaches or leaders have to do. Askew said, ”Space doesn’t need to be held. By you, or by me. Space is presence. We are a part of it, and not apart from it. Right here, and right now would seem to be enough.” Wow.
Presence doesn’t require our interference. Space holds itself quite well. What a relief, this love.
nasa | unsplash