Peace is real, even at work
The poet Hafiz offers an image of a mime. This mime is on a gallows for a crime he didn’t commit: He removes his heart from his body. “For an extraordinary moment, it looked like someone was giving birth to Love again,” Hafiz writes. “The great breeze comes by. The sun and moon join hands; they bow so gracefully that for a moment, for a moment everyone knows that Joy is real.”
How real is joy for you? Right now. A moment complete unto itself. Allowing joy to find you.
The reality of joy: Effervescent. Light. Tender. Radiant. Intimate. A feeling. Myriad ways to live its experience. What is it, though? We DO know joy to be real. But its essence eludes ordinary mind.
Joy is a transient burst of peace, the teacher Francis Lucille has said. Joy as an experience fountaining up from peace. Peace enjoying itself. We ARE this peace.
Is this remotely useful? In meetings, at work? Think of the mime. Think of our habitual assumptions about one another, money, social agreements, reality as it is. Think of this conditioned thinking. How captive I am.
How free I can be. Heart lifting away from fearful me. Seeing there may be a joyous way to lead: Creative, alive, fountaining, curious. Seeing business considerations as relationships unfolding and bowing. Knowing that Peace is real.
credit: unsplash | mehdisepehri