intent and love joining hands
It is said: When intent and love pull together, the most improbable can happen. Really? What does that even mean?
Maybe, I am thinking now about goals, ambitions, resolutions. How we say, are determined: “I am going to do this!” Emphasis on I. Me. Effort. Grit.
But, maybe, when intent and love join hands, only the doing remains. Less effort. No me. No fighting. Instead: Merely focus, clear, equanimous. Only the work remains. Work working through us, love working through us. A listening to love, with the clarity of intent: “A love so deep and sweet,” Hafiz writes, “it needed to express itself with scents, sounds, colors that never before existed.”
You see the creative in life fountaining here? Innovation is possible, the unimaginable, the improbable. (We have seen it, in 2020.) Work can be so simple when we drop all expectations, and simply show up. Not expecting: An art. Freedom. Finally, I can turn toward, beyond the rigidity of gritty me, co-creative, open-hearted. This very best work yet.
credit: NASA (milky way galaxy)