all in. in all.
“Thoughts and feelings are not mistakes, and they are not asking to be healed. They are asking to be held, here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness…” writes teacher and author Jeff Foster.
So much energy goes into "managing" our thoughts and feelings. Controlling them, changing them.
What might happen if, rather, we simply let them be, with affection. They'll flow all by themselves, and, if we let them—with love and awareness—some might serve as cool insights or signals, others might drift off without much ado. What if we can see, we do not need to fear this experience? No need to get hooked one way or the other in reaction.
The opportunity is to go all in on what we want to create. Wouldn't you rather? No need to invest our emotions. Focused, engaged, effective. Yet quiet. To be okay with what happens, no matter what. Because we show up, in infinite love.
credit: Quino Al on Unsplash