this translucent thread
Integrity: The word comes from the Latin integer, whole, complete. Literally: Untouched.
For "integrity" examples, there are, of course, numbers without fractions. Personal integrity is trickier. We think we know what it is, but what happens when someone questions our integrity? Chances are, it hurts. A defensiveness. Fragility.
Thing is, when I am really in integrity I experience undivided wholeness. Nothing can harm this. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Here's for a oneness that's always present regardless of circumstance. Because I am aligned with humanity's breath, which by one name is nothing but Love. I trust its engaged goodness.
"Love claims it’s realization through me," trauma specialist and author Resmaa Menakem recently said. Isn't that beautiful?
And here is David R. Hawkins: “Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.”
I cannot be in integrity without love. Nor can I act responsibly without it.
So integrity does require raw, honest self inquiry. A willingness to investigate the actual motivations behind my actions, their effects. To see my intrinsic interconnectedness. The courage to let go of all that now crumbles. No need be afraid: This honesty by its nature cannot hurt. Hurt cannot survive in love.
Still, a free dive. Now what? I"'m not trying to counsel any of you to do anything special except to dare to think, to go with the truth, and to really love completely," says Buckminster Fuller.
Being completely present, then, inwardly still. To receive in this silence an intelligence that occupies the center of my being. An intelligence larger than me, quickening. In my body. Grounded. Home. This alignment. This is the experience of integrity, knowing. A clarity beyond all conditioning. Untouchable.
Follow this translucent thread. Follow it. Follow its nudge. Let it be. You'll know what's next.
Rumi: As you start to walk out on the path, the path appears.
“This is my soul and the world unwinding, this is my heart in the still winter air. Finally whispering the same two words over and over: “Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking." (From Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel.
credit: joseph-barrientos-unsplash
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