courage, my love
The habits we want to change.
(They get "in our way.") Each originates from love, was a response to love calling, originates in our yearning to thrive. Intent pure in the seeking. They are.
Somehow we dreamed up that we were separate from what we sought. Began to err in finding our way back home.
So we say: “Change is hard.” But change happens all the time. Natural. Life. If we let the flow of change happen, quietly listening to what its yearning is about, it self-regulates. It is its own compass.
“Change is hard.” A convenient story. A comfortable thought. We are conditioned to live into the reality of our thoughts David Bohm: “Thought creates our world and then says I didn’t do it.”
We don’t have to comply. We can listen to the silence before thought.
Shall we notice what IS real in life? Sounds, images, flashing by. Myriad sensations. Change happening in each moment. Relentless, beautiful. Change, emerging from and returning into a stillness that already IS health, sanity. Love. Aware.
Yes, there is a practice. Without story. Leaning into what feels sane, connected. Trusting that, in each active embrace of knowing, neurons fire together that wire together. Do it again.
The heart whispering its own name to itself: "Courage, my love."
mohamed nohassi | unsplash